Financial wellness is the ability to live free from financial stress, something only 30 percent of people in the United States currently experience, according to a national survey Well+Good recently reported on. Which means 70 percent of Americans feel uneasy about the current state of their finances, and that has an impact on all areas of life, including health. (Raise your hand if you also haven’t been to the dentist or doctor in…quite a while, because of the cost.)
literate is now a priority so that I can work toward financial freedom. An Instagram account that my sister showed me called @HerFirst100k, created by Tori Dunlap, who saved $100,000 by age 25, jump-started this journey. She made getting in control of my money seem like something that was attainable, and there was none of that “just stop buying lattes every morning” nonsense. This is all to say that sharpening your financial literacy doesn’t have to be intimidating, or boring, or overwhelming—it also doesn’t even have to cost money. Dunlop’s Instagram led me to her website, which led me to her free virtual finance classes, and in addition to hers, I found four other free virtual finance classes and resources to help on your
After trying a multitude of ways to curb emotional spending—and failing—I just assumed that I would forever be an impulse shopper. Then I took Tori Dunlop’s free course on curbing emotional spending, and it’s helped me dramatically curb this behavior by helping me better understand my spending patterns and the thoughts and emotions behind them. In addition to that course, her site contains other free resources, including a Money Personality quiz to help you figure out the resources most beneficial to you.